Is Malone artificial turf pet friendly?

Yes, Malone artificial turf is generally safe for pets.  It is made from non-toxic materials and is free of pesticides and fertilizers that can be harmful to pets.

Malone artificial turf is durable and designed to withstand the wear and tear of pets running, jumping, digging and scratching.

Malone artificial turf is resistant to discoloration from pet waste and can eliminate mud and debris inside your home if your pets are allowed inside.

Malone artificial turf is low maintenance.

Malone Turf, Moranci 66 is our recommended pet turf, it is a shorter, stiffer style designed to withstand heavy amounts of wear and tear.  Along with our specific pet infill material, you’ll have a pet surface you and your pets will love!

Is Malone artificial turf child friendly?

High quality Malone artificial turf is non-toxic, hypoallergenic and free of harmful chemicals.  The infill material Malone Turf sells and recommends is made of quartz, sand and broken down stone. 

PFAS concerns can be best addressed as follows:  Some artificial turf contain PFAS, however the typical range is 100 ppm (parts per million).  Compare that to dental floss, which can have as much as 248,900 ppm.  Other products we use day-to-day such as nonstick cookware, prescription medications, raingear, and make-up, to name a few contain much more PFAS than artificial turf. 

Chemicals – consider the amount of pesticides, fertilizers that are needed to keep natural grass green and beautiful?  Compare that to the 100% non-toxic and lead-free materials used in Malone Turf high quality turf and you’ll see it’s no comparison.

Malone Turf is mud puddle free, soft on little feet and hands and for toddlers learning to walk, the infill used to install artificial turf creates a type of padded barrier to the ground for your littles!

Resistant to wear and tear.  Depending on the artificial turf you choose, you’ll find Malone artificial turf to be very durable, able to hold up to years of kids traffic.

Heat- another factor to consider regarding artificial turf.  When used for a children’s area, shade must be factored in because artificial turf can get hot.

What do I need to install artificial turf?

4” of dirt removed from area, 4”of road base, 4”of infill (the type of infill depends on the application: pets, children, traffic), nails, and oh yes, Malone Turf .

Installation materials and technique directly affect your Malone Turf Manufacturers Warranty.  For more Malone Turf Warranty information, please visit: https://maloneturf.net/warranty/

How long does Malone artificial turf last?

All in-stock Malone Turf styles come with 10, 16 and 8 year manufacturer warranties.  For more information, please visit: https://maloneturf.net/warranty/

Is artificial turf safe? What about PFA’s?

Malone Turf highly recommends reviewing the following PFA test sites so you can make an educated decision for yourself.  Start here.

Who can install Malone artificial turf?

Anybody!  However, Malone Turf highly recommends hiring a recommended, licensed contractor with artificial turf installation experience.  The installation technique will directly affect the look and performance of your artificial turf.  In addition to the affects the installation will have on your Malone Turf Manufacturers Warranty.  For more warranty information, please visit: https://maloneturf.net/warranty.

How long can I leave my Malone artificial turf in a roll?

Malone artificial turf is designed to be installed immediately upon delivery.  If you must leave your turf in a roll, please note your manufacturers warranty about care and handling, https://maloneturf.net/warranty/

We recommend unrolling your turf as soon as possible (within 5-7 days) to prevent creases and folds from forming.  If you cannot install your turf right away, store it in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight.

What is UV Window Burn a.k.a “Reflective Turf Burn”?

When very reflective (think low-e) windows are very close to artificial turf (or natural grass too) and the sun’s reflection stays on the window and reflects to the turf, reaching 175-200 degrees your turf will BURN! Prevent it with window tinting. There are great products on the market right now or sun screens over your windows or even an awning if the window is very large.

Will water burn Malone Artificial Turf?

BOILING HOT WATER! The kind that comes out of that black garden hose that’s been laying in direct sunlight for hours, or your freshly brewed hot coffee that you drink when admiring your beautiful artificial turf. Artificial turf has a burn point of 175-200 degrees. Surprisingly, it’s also the same temperature that will scald your skin as well as burn regular grass and plants too! Water boils at 212 degrees. Keep your turf GREEN and HAPPY by checking the temperature of your liquids before exposing your turf to them.